PDL Abstract

RTRBench: A Benchmark Suite for Real-Time Robotics

2022 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS), 22-24 May 2022, Singapore.

Mohammad Bakhshalipour, Maxim Likhachev, Phillip B. Gibbons

Carnegie Mellon University

The emergence of “robotics in the wild” has triggered a wave of recent research in hardware and software to boost robots’ compute capabilities. Nevertheless, research in this area is hindered by the lack of a comprehensive benchmark suite. In this paper, we present RTRBench, a benchmark suite for robotic kernels. RTRBench includes 16 kernels, spanning the entire software pipeline of a wide swath of robots, all implemented in C++ for fast execution. Together with the suite, we conduct an evaluation of the workloads at the architecture level. We pinpoint the sources of inefficiencies in a modern robotic processor when executing the robotic kernels, along with the opportunities for improvements. The source code of the benchmark suite is available in