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    Re: iSCSI Parameter Negotiation

    Excellent question.  I agree that it's unclear too, and I'm not even
    sure what's `right' independently of what the spec says.  I think the
    problem goes deeper than a simple yes/no.
    My reading of the spec is that it (the spec) is 90% convinced that the
    target can not `talk out of turn' (once a channel guy....).  However,
    you have pointed out one (MaxConnections) of several examples where
    this assumption doesn't work right.  Another example is marker
    parameters---the target might want to ask for them even if the
    initiator's not into it.  Furthermore, even if the initiator does
    enable markers with an FMarker parameter, the targer may respond with
    FMarker AND MarkInts, even though the initiator is satisfied with the
    default values, and so, did not send the parameters.
    I have proposed that we precisely specify the exchange characteristics
    for each parameter in the operational set (security parameters already
    seem to be well specified by merit of the fact that security exchanges
    are themselves precisely defined).
    Beyond the exchange characteristics of the parameters themselves comes
    how they should appear in PDUs.  If the parameter exchanges are very
    free-formed, the implementation complexity increases massively for no
    corresponding increase in capability.  I.e. who really cares if
    parameters must be sent in a specification-defined order versus any
    order you feel like?  Who cares if you the target can return responses
    in a single PDU or multiple?
    I have a well formed opinion about how to specify to cut the
    implementation complexity, but I want to get the requirements on the
    table first.


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:04:51 2001
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