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    RE: iSCSI: Decimal encoding - why 64 bits ?

    I went back to the mailing list - and there was a clear consensus to keep
    it to 64 bits (my original proposal was unlimited and  I suggested rhen 128
    to alleviate concerns about conversion difficulty for unlimited numbers).
    The issue was raised without checking the libraries:
    In Gnu 64bit integers are fully supported
    In Windows - here is the quote from MSDN:
         long-suffix unsigned-suffix(subscript: opt)                            
         unsigned-suffix : one of                                               
         u U                                                                    
         long-suffix : one of                                                   
         l L                                                                    
         64-bit integer-suffix :                                                
         To specify integer constants using octal or hexadecimal notation,      
         use a prefix that denotes the base. To specify an integer constant     
         of a given integral type, use a suffix that denotes the type.          
         To specify a decimal constant, begin the specification with a          
         nonzero digit. For example:                                            
         int i = 157;   // Decimal constant                                     
         int j = 0198;  // Not a decimal number; erroneous octal constant       
         int k = 0365;  // Leading zero specifies octal constant, not decimal   
         To specify an octal constant, begin the specification with 0,          
         followed by a sequence of digits in the range 0 through 7. The         
         digits 8 and 9 are errors in specifying an octal constant. For         
         int i = 0377;   // Octal constant                                      
         int j = 0397;   // Error: 9 is not an octal digit                      
         To specify a hexadecimal constant, begin the specification with 0x     
         or 0X (the case of the "x" does not matter), followed by a sequence    
         of digits in the range 0 through 9 and a (or A) through f (or F).      
         Hexadecimal digits a (or A) through f (or F) represent values in the   
         range 10 through 15. For example:                                      
         int i = 0x3fff;   // Hexadecimal constant                              
         int j = 0X3FFF;   // Equal to i                                        
         To specify an unsigned type, use either the u or U suffix. To          
         specify a long type, use either the l or L suffix. For example:        
         unsigned uVal = 328u;             // Unsigned value                    
         long lVal = 0x7FFFFFL;            // Long value specified              
                                           //  as hex constant                  
         unsigned long ulVal = 0776745ul;  // Unsigned long value               
    I don't know about Windmills - but I assume that most modern development
    environments are supporting 64bit integers.
    Are we going to take for granted any assertion made on the list?
                          om                       To:       Julian Satran/Haifa/IBM@IBMIL,                                     
                          07/02/2002 10:36         Subject:  RE: iSCSI: Decimal encoding - why 64 bits ?                                        
                          Please respond to                                                                                                     
    Easy does it.  First of all - if someone will go find the mail
    thread that discussed this (I also recall a discussion of
    numbers vs. binary items) I'll take a look at it and make a
    WG chair determination of what was or was not concluded.
    Kevin's comment that decimal ought to be limited to 32 bits
    is still valid at this point - a reference to prior discussions
    without specifics isn't enough to dismiss it.  My rough
    recollection of the discussion partially matches Julian's -
    we reduced the required size to 64 bits from unlimited on
    the assumption that platforms could cope with this ... and
    now Kevin has raised the issue that two platforms he
    considers important don't cope well with 64 bit arithmetic.
    I don't recall discussion of whether to limit to 32 bits vs.
    64 bits.
    For now, this issue is open.
     -----Original Message-----
     From: Julian Satran []
     Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 3:23 PM
     Subject: RE: iSCSI: Decimal encoding - why 64 bits ?
     It was never supposed to be removed. Many values are passed around as
     We can't make any progress if we keep hitting the same things
     again-and-again after a decent consensus has been reached.
     And none of you has brought an argument that was not heard and dismissed
     Remember we moved from unlimited length decimal to 64 bit to alleviate
     implementer fears.
       Bill Studenmund                                                         
       <wrstuden@wasabisystem         To:        "THALER,PAT                 >                 (A-Roseville,ex1)" <>      
                                      cc:        "LEMAY,KEVIN                  
                              (A-Roseville,ex1)" <>,    
       07/02/2002 10:03 PM    Julian Satran/Haifa/IBM@IBMIL, <> 
       Please respond to Bill                                                  
       Studenmund                     Subject:        RE: iSCSI: Decimal       
                              encoding - why 64 bits ?                         
     On Tue, 2 Jul 2002, THALER,PAT (A-Roseville,ex1) wrote:
     > Bill,
     > The decimal encoding is not just for numbers. It is also allowed for
     > binary-values. Both CHAP and SRP exchange items that are identified as
     > binary-values. In general these will be longer than 64 bits, but in
     > cases where they are 64 bits or less the decimal encoding is currently
     > allowed so we would have to support it.
     I thought we had a big discussion about this, and we decided that decimal
     was only used for numbers, hex for numbers and binary, and base64 only for
     binary items. ??
     Doh! I just looked in -14, and the text doesn't reflect that
     understanding. Hmmm.
     > The issue is that currently decimal encoding is allowed for
     > binary-values and numbers less than 64 bits. There is little need for
     > it over 32 bits. We have two other entirely adequate representations
     > for those numbers. Why have something in there that causes extra code
     > for no benefit?
     All I can say is I thought it was removed. :-|
     Take care,


Last updated: Wed Jul 03 10:18:52 2002
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