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    Re: iSCSI: DH-CHAP resolution

    There's one other potential, very simple change we could make to
    DH-CHAP, which may mollify the people who are so worried about the
    lack of mutual authentication in CHAP.  (I'll claim that the
    succeptibility to active attackers being able to carry out a
    dictionary attack on the password as far over-rated, since the data
    stream after the initial authentication is completely unprotected,
    which means the attacker and read *and* modify the data being
    transferred via iSCSI --- this could mean modifying executables so
    that trojan-horse code is executed, or modifying sensitive data
    records --- in other words, if you're worried about active attackers,
    the potential for a dictionary attack is the LEAST of your concerns,
    and you should be using IPSEC to protect your entire transaction, at
    which point the issue about active attackers is solved completely.)
    With respect to lack of mutual authentication, there is a very simple
    modification we can make to the DH-CHAP protocol that can solve this
    problem.  It merely involves using a sufficiently large D-H modulos
    that the storage device can use a fixed (a,A) pair, ala the old Secure
    SunRPC protocol (which was always fine except for the fact that Sun
    stupidly used a way-too-small D-H moduolos, probably for export
    control reasons), and then adding a server-generated nonce to the
    exchange to guarantee freshness, since the server's D-H key is no
    longer ephemeral.
    This allows the client to cache the D-H key for a particular storage
    device, and if the D-H key is ever different from the one that the
    client has cached, it knows that it's being subject to a
    man-in-the-middle attack or the device has been substituted without
    its knowledge, so it can complain and refuse to mount the disk.  (Note
    that the client doesn't *have* to do this check; if it doesn't, it is
    essentially identical to the current DH-CHAP scheme, and it simply
    doesn't have any mutual authentication guarantees.)
    This provides us with mutual authentication for everything except for
    the initial authentication exchange.  However, in reality, it turns
    out that for almost all schemes, including SRP, this is actually all
    you get, because most systems cheat in order to solve the initial
    authentication problems.  For example, in the case of SRP, how do you
    load the first user's verification data into the device?  The hard
    drive will almost certainly used a fixed password which is constant
    across all of a vendor's devices and which is embedded in the install
    program.  This means an active attacker who is active on the network
    during the initial setup can spoof the transaction.  The right fix
    would be to use a randomly chosen password which is different for
    every single device ---- say, a long hex string which is printed on
    the device and which the system administrator must type in when the
    device is first being initialized.  However, most implementations
    neglect to do this because users find it too inconvenient (by the time
    they figure out they need the hex string, they've already installed
    the device, and pulling out the device in order to read out the hex
    string becomes a major pain in the ass).  As a result, most
    implementation cheat on the initial authentication problem, and hence
    their product is vulnerable to an active attack during the first
    (For example, this is true for Windows XP using Kerberos; when a newly
    installed Windows client first joins a domain, there is no initial
    secret to authenticate it to the domain controller, or that the domain
    controller can use to authenticate the initially installed Windows
    client.  So, there is a hard coded secret buried deep within the
    Windows code, and if you know that "secret" --- which is constant
    across all copies of Windows, so it's hardly a secret --- you can
    attack the initial authentication exchange when a host first talks to
    the domain controller.
    It's not true for the MIT version of Kerberos, since we don't provide
    this shortcut, but the resulting loss in usability in the requirement
    to manually set up a srvtab file causes a huge number of complaints,
    and if MIT Kerberos were a commercial product that needed to be
    responsive to customer complaints, I suspect it would almost certainly
    make the same security shortcut/compromise --- so I'm not blaming
    Microsoft for making the decision which they made.  This is by the way
    also the same compromise which SSH using public key authentication
    makes; it's a very common tradeoff.)
    So to the extent that we have protection from all but the initial
    exchange, I would claim that this should be good enough for most
    purposes, and no different from what SRP could provide in real life
    anyway.  And, if we really want to assuage our consciences, we can
    require that the devices have printed on them a MD5 hash of the fixed
    Diffie-Helman public key, and we can pretend that the system
    administrator will type in the MD5 hash when setting up a new storage
    device (at which point the mutual authentication guarantees are just
    as strong as SRP or any other scheme) --- even though we know that
    less than .0005% of the system administrators will actually do so in
    real life.
    Is it worth making this change?  Well, it depends on how important you
    think Mutual Authentication is for people who will be using iSCSI
    without IPSEC.  For people who have critical security requirements,
    it's pretty clear that IPSEC will be a requirement.  However, for
    people who don't need IPSEC, do we need to provide a greater level of
    security protection?  The advantage of the scheme which I've outlined
    is that it's a relatively small change to the DH-CHAP protocol, so the
    cost of adding this protection is fairly cheap.
    							- Ted


Last updated: Thu May 09 14:18:31 2002
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