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    RE: effect of initializing CRC reg to 1's depends on implementation?

    I agree that we should use the mathematical description of the CRC as the
    spec. Equivalent ways of obtaining the effect of inverting the first bits or
    checking the result (magic number) are implementation details. I'm not
    convinced that we need to show an implementation example in the annex. Given
    the misleading information that Vince has found in some of the literature if
    we show an implementation example, we need to point out that the technique
    of initializing the register to 1's applies specifically to that
    implementation and may not work for other implementations.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Paul Koning []
    Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2001 8:40 AM
    Subject: Re: effect of initializing CRC reg to 1's depends on
    >>>>> "vince" == vince cavanna <> writes:
     vince> In working with Luben Tuikov to document the math behind the
     vince> CRC I discovered something that surprised me. I intend to
     vince> study this further but hope someone can save me work by
     vince> pointing out that I am wrong (or right) and offering some
     vince> proof.
     vince> Consider two ways to implement the iSCSI CRC with a serial
     vince> divider (see PDF file):
     vince> 1. divide the message directly using a serial circuit that,
     vince> when its stages are initialized to zeroes, simultaneously
     vince> multiplies by x^32 and divides by G(x).
     vince> 2. pre-multiply message by x^32 and then divide the results by
     vince> G(x) using a serial circuit that, when its stages are
     vince> initialized to zeroes performs a division by G(x).
     vince> The two circuits, of course, produce the same results when
     vince> they are initialized to 0's.
     vince> In the approach in (1) initializing the register to 1's
     vince> appears equivalent (produces the same quotient; same
     vince> remainder) to initializing the register to 0's and
     vince> complementing the most significant 32 bits of the message
     vince> prior to processing.
     vince> In the approach of (2) such an equivalence does not appear
     vince> true!
     vince> This means to me that it is meaningless to specify that the
     vince> CRC must be initialized to 1's unless we refer to a specific
     vince> implementation which we did not do in the iSCSI spec! What is
     vince> troublesome is that I have seen claims in the literature (and
     vince> in one textbook on data communications) that initializing the
     vince> CRc to 1's is equivalent to complementing the most significant
     vince> n bits of the dividend for both implementations. I have also
     vince> seen the same claim with no reference to an implementation
     vince> (e.g. iSCSI) which would imply that the implementation does
     vince> not matter.
    I must be sounding like a broken record at this point, but I believe
    the answer is to use the Ethernet spec as an example.
    The Ethernet spec has the mathematical definition of the CRC in the
    body of the spec.  In other words, it talks about complementing the
    message, multiplying by x^32. dividing by G(x), and so forth.  That
    definition is unambiguous.
    In addition, the Ethernet spec gives an EXAMPLE implementation in
    appendix C.  That is not normative; it merely shows one way to
    translate the math into gates.  In that example implementation -- and
    NOT in the mathematical definition in the normative part -- it is
    meaningful to talk about initializing the shift register to all 1's.
    I would recommend using the same descriptive approach in the iSCSI
    spec.  It may be possible simply to copy the description as it appears
    there (with suitable alteration to the placement of the LFSR taps, of
    course, for the sample implementation); I see no copyright claims on
    the document that prevent doing so.


Last updated: Fri Dec 14 15:17:46 2001
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