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    iSCSI PDU outline

    Dear all,
    Please hold your fire on digest placement, CDB inclusion/exclusion etc.
    The reasons we choose a specific outlay are sound and  we have to hold on
    to many of the even if are going to change.
    As I said several times in the past some changes in the SCSI formats, like
    the advent of the bi-directional operations
    required as to have more and more exceptions and whole outline became ugly
    but I did not have a sound replacement and we have many more open issues.
    I have now a pretty good idea of how this new outline will look and I will
    publish it here - hopefully TODAY.
    In fact it is a minor change - although it has a rather large editorial
    impact as I had to make clear how it works now and how it can be extended
    in the future.
    It still keeps most of the packets with one fixed length packet (effective)
    but it is regular and can be extended.
    And as a matter of debate civility as long as a vote is not called for any
    of us would appreciate new technical arguments for or against something
    rather than "I too".
    And again - I am sorry it took me so long to get out a new format - and
    cause you such an agravation, but formats where low on my list of
    priorities and I had to consider many alternatives (many more than where
    discussed on the list).


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:05:44 2001
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