DATE:Thursday,September 1, 2022
TIME:12:00 - 1:00 pm
PLACE: RMCIC Building, 4th Floor Panther Hollow Conference Room (4105)

SPEAKER: Naercio Magaia, CMU Visiting Scholar, Lecturer at the University of Sussex, United Kingdom; Member of the COPELABS research unit in Portugal

TITLE: Edge Learning for Dynamic Networks

Dynamic networks, in particular the Internet of Vehicles (IoV), are undoubtedly at the core of the future of intelligent transportation. They will prevail over the road ecosystem and will hugely impact our lives by providing seamless connectivity among various transportation means. For the network to operate efficiently, the data needs to be efficiently spread throughout the network, which requires low computational and bandwidth overheads. However, the dynamics of vehicular environments due to frequent node mobility poses many challenges to realising efficient data dissemination. In addition, there are other aspects to consider while studying these networks, such as cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities. We tackle the former utilising edge-based algorithms and protocols leveraging statistical learning and graph theory. (slides)

Naercio Magaia received his (5 years) B.Eng. degree in electrical engineering from Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique, his M.Sc. degree in communication networks engineering, and PhD degree in electrical and computer engineering both from the Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal. Currently, he is a lecturer at the School of Engineering and Informatics of the University of Sussex, United Kingdom. His current research interests include Computer Networking, the Internet of Things, Network Security, and Artificial Intelligence.

VISITOR HOST: Justine Sherry

Karen Lindenfelser, 86716, or visit