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    Re: Some Thoughts on Digests

    It seems to me the probibility of an error being introduced by a network
    device (router, bridge, etc) (see Mark Bakke's message "Re: iSCSI draft 02:
    digests") is much greater than the probibility of an undetected error
    introduced on the wire.  The goal of the "digests" is to maintain and
    end-to-end check that is not maintained by either TCP/IP or the MAC layer.
    I would like a proof that a CRC will not addequately cover more than 2K before
    having a CRC per 2K block gets in the standard.  In fact, if one wants the CRC
    to cover less data, just send smaller iSCSI PDUs.
    It will take a lot of storage space in hardware implementations to allow the
    maximum possible PDU to have a separate CRC on each 2K block, that can only be
    checked after the whole PDU has arrived (with all the CRCs in the digest at
    the end).
    Also, there are *WAY* too many digest options.  Options are bad.  Pick one, or
    at most two. (My vote is the single CRC option).
    -Matt wrote:
    > Jim,
    > We will consider again the selection of the polynomial.
    > As for your arguments for the length - the object of the digest is get the
    > probability of an undetected error down to a number acceptable for todays
    > networks.
    > The probability of an error going undetected is 2**-32 *
    > BER*length-of-block.
    > Under the general accepted practice of considering all errors as
    > independent events
    > the block length protected by a single CRC is limited to a specific length
    > (2 to 8k is the usual
    > figure given for fiber today).  And yes we are probably overdesigning for
    > large bursts but we have no idea at this level if there will be any
    > mitigating interleaving coding underneath and long error bursts are the
    > most common for of error in networks.
    > Julo
    > "Jim Williams" <> on 05/12/2000 19:41:04
    > Please respond to "Jim Williams" <>
    > To:
    > cc:
    > Subject:  Some Thoughts on Digests
    > draft-ietf-ips-iSCSI-02b.txt states:
    > >   CRC32 is effective only for limited data lengths (the probability of
    > >   an error going undetected grows linearly with data length). When
    > >   using CRC32-2K the digest size increases with data length.
    > I believe this is a bit of an oversimplification.  I will elaborate
    > a bit.
    > The absolute probability of an undetected error will of course
    > increase at least linearly with message length because the probability
    > of an error occurring in the first place will increase linearly.
    > This is true also in the case where the message is chopped into
    > 2K segments and a CRC is calculated for each segment.  If the
    > probability that a given segment has an undetected error is P,
    > then the probability that one of N segments has an error is
    > approximately N*P.
    > What is the conditional probability that if there is an error
    > it will be undetected?  This is more complicated.  If the total
    > extent of the error is less than or equal to 32 bits, then the
    > probability it will be undetected by the CRC is zero.  Therefore
    > if one assumes that individual error events will be of extent
    > less than or equal to 32 bits, then the only way an undetected
    > error can occur is for at least two independent errors to
    > occur in the same segment.  The probability of this occurring
    > will increase approximately linearly with the segment size.
    > I would say this with two caveats, however.  First the assumption
    > that individual error events will have extent less than or
    > equal to 32 bits is questionable.  And second, no matter
    > how long the segment, the conditional probability that
    > if the segment contains an error, it will be undetected by
    > the CRC will NEVER be more that 2^-32.
    > I would argue that based on this the added complexity of
    > segmenting the message into 2K blocks for CRC computation
    > is not justified and the CRC should NOT be considered
    > ineffective for large blocks of data.  (Unless you are
    > prepared to argue that a digest that misses one in 2^32
    > errors is ineffective.)
    > --------------
    > CRC Polynomial
    > I would argue that of all the prime polynomials of order 32,
    > the one selected for iSCSI is the WORST one.
    > If a block of data is protected by a CRC-32 and the result is
    > embedded inside another block which is also protected by
    > a CRC-32, then the combined protection is effectively 64 bits.
    > The maximum probability of an undetected error is 2^-64.  UNLESS
    > both CRCs use the same polynomial, in which case the combined
    > protection is no better than the protection of only the outer
    > CRC.
    > The proposed CRC of iSCSI uses the same polynomial as the
    > Ethernet CRC.
    > Since iSCSI data will typically be contained inside Ethernet
    > frames, the iSCSI CRC should use a different polynomial than
    > Ethernet.
    > The CRC section of
    > contains an example of a better CRC.
    > Arguments against using a CRC algorithm other than CCITT include
    > the following:
    > 1.  The CCITT CRC-32 has been studied extensively and using
    >     a different algorithm would incur unnecessary risk.
    > 2.  Using a standard CRC algorithm allows use of existing
    >     hardware and software implementations.
    > 3.  Referencing an existing CRC algorithm saves work in
    >     adequately documenting the algorithm.
    > With respect to #1, I would hope this could be referred to
    > some acknowledged expert in the CRC field.  I am sure you
    > will find no studies on the effectiveness of the CRC which
    > depend on any properties of the polynomial not shared by
    > other polynomials such as the one called out in the above
    > example.
    > With respect to #2, it is unlikely that any existing hardware
    > can be used and likely that any iSCSI implementation will require
    > building new ASICs.  Designing the polynomial specific
    > section of a high speed CRC unit should take no more than
    > a few days.  Having done this, I can speak from experience.
    > For software implementations, the arguments are similar,
    > but the work is a lot less.
    > With respect to #3, since the entire algorithm stays the
    > same except one constant (the polynomial) this should not
    > be too bad.  New test vectors would of course need to be
    > generated.
    > ---------------
    > With respect to the HMAC functions, do we need both SHA
    > and MD5?  I would expect hardware vendors may choose one
    > or the other to implement in hardware.  It would be nice
    > if different suppliers chose the same one.
    > Arguably this is outside the scope of the standard, but
    > recommendations as to the preferred digest algorithms
    > to implement in hardware might result in better
    > interoperability of the resulting products that emerge
    > from the standard.


Last updated: Tue Sep 04 01:06:11 2001
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